It takes untold might and magic to build a new platform from scratch. Thankfully we have our hero Mark Caldwell to guide us through lands unknown.
In our discussion we talk the founding of Robot Cache, what difficulties arose from realizing the grand vision, and dive into his personal history in gaming spanning decades.
If you've been a part of this community from the start you're definitely not going to want to miss this one.
Music comes to us from OverClocked ReMix: Video Game Music Community (
Track 1: ReMix: Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars "The Meadows" - OC ReMix
Track 2: ReMix: Flimbo's Quest "Pearly Gates" - OC ReMix
It takes untold might and magic to build a new platform from scratch. Thankfully we have our hero Mark Caldwell to guide us through lands unknown.
In our discussion we talk the founding of Robot Cache, what difficulties arose from realizing the grand vision, and dive into his personal history in gaming spanning decades.
If you've been a part of this community from the start you're definitely not going to want to miss this one.
Music comes to us from OverClocked ReMix: Video Game Music Community (
Track 1: ReMix: Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars "The Meadows" - OC ReMix
Track 2: ReMix: Flimbo's Quest "Pearly Gates" - OC ReMix